lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2023

The sugar glider (with 3 CDs)


EDITORIAL: Cambridge University Press,

Libros en inglés.

Acompañado por tres CDs de audio.

Reading for pleasure at exam level in a controlled way, with a wide selection of genres, settings and thought-provoking topics. “The Sugar Glider” Level 5 Upper Intermediate belongs to the adventure genre. Pilot Don Radcliffe returns to Australia hoping to rescue a failed marriage and to spend more time with his daughter, Judy. But a routine cargo flight in an old DC4 airplane turns into tragedy when the plane crashes in the Australian Outback killing the co-pilot. Don and Judy's chances of survival seem slim as they struggle against sabotage, unscrupulous businessmen and the inhospitable landscape. Adventures, science fiction, mystery…etc. We have a wide variety of readings for young people adapted to each level of English and all kinds of subjects. Expand your vocabulary and improve your reading comprehension with our award-winning series! Rod Neilsen is the autor.

Nº de REGISTRO: 22006

Nºs de REGISTRO: 23006 para los CDs

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